Attention Men and Women over 50: Tested high for liver enzymes levels and you’re worried about liver scarring ?
How I Discovered a 60 Second Liver Detox Ritual...
...that helped me reverse my fatty liver in 90 days and drop 56 pounds of fat!
Tired? Overweight? Pain in your side?
Research from Harvard reveals that “Toxic Liver Backwash” may be at the root of it all…

And now, there’s a safe, natural liver detox that works even on the most dysfunctional liver.
Stay with us here to see how I went from “advanced fatty liver” and 2 years to live….

...To reversing all signs of damage and getting my life back.
Best part - I did it without changing my diet, exercising or having liver transplant surgery.
 Starting today, you can too...
“Did my darling wife just poison me?”
I wondered helplessly as I lay on my knees in the bathroom.

I then pitched over the toilet and vomited up another stream of clear, liquid water.
You see, it was just 2 minutes before all this...

That my wife woke me up from a nap on the sofa...

And with a loving smile…

She handed me a glass of water - purified water, I might add - and then the unexplainable happened.

I took one big gulp…
And within seconds...
My stomach turned sour.
Beads of sweat started rolling down my forehead...

The back of my throat filled up with saliva - and then I KNEW I had only a few seconds left.

I dashed to the bathroom…

And made it just in time before I vomited up every ounce of liquid.
“Mike… Mike… honey, are you alright?”
my panicked wife screamed after me.
Truth is, I had no clue what was happening at the time…

But one thing for sure - it was NOT my poor wife’s fault.

Because as I later discovered...
This bizarre experience was caused by
a toxic, fatty liver inside my body... that was so backed up and clogged, my system couldn’t even process water.
And it’s more common than you think...

A staggering 1 in 4 Americans are suffering from this horrible disease right now - most of whom don’t even realize their livers are on the verge of failing...

Until it’s already too late.
Which is why today…
I’m going to reveal a simple, 60 second morning ritual that helped me 
detoxify my fatty liver...
...without tiring exercise or bland diets…
This simple, discovery also helped me:
  • Lower my liver enzymes (my doctor told me they were off the charts)

  • Recharge my energy (I was sleeping deeply and waking up bursting with energy)

  • And drop 56 pounds of fat from my body and liver.
So please, pay close attention here…

Because this same solution not only helps men and women who are 40, 50, 60 and beyond...

Remove the deadly toxins in their liver and reverse years of damage...

It could help you finally escape the anxiety weighing down your shoulders each day....

And instead live each day carefree again.
I should also mention that this natural remedy has nothing to do with artificial drugs or dangerous surgery.

It’s not a diet or exercise program or anything like that.

What I’m about to share with you inside this presentation…
Is a 100% natural remedy…
  that’s designed to assist in the restoration of your “dead liver”…
No matter how mild or “advanced” your fatty liver is…

And no matter whether your liver is completely diseased or scarred and not functioning properly.
In fact, it doesn’t even matter whether you’ve drunk alcohol every day since your 20s or you’ve never had a drink in your life…

Even better…

It’s so simple, you can use it in the comfort of your own home...

Yet it’s backed by so much astounding science, it has me on the edge of my seat in excitement.

Which I’m going to reveal in just a second.
But before I do... I know you might be thinking…
"Can my liver really cause me so much trouble?"
To tell you the truth…

I never believed for a second that my toxic liver could unravel my life at the seams…
It forced me to gain pounds of stubborn weight that wouldn’t come off.
Every day I felt so tired (I couldn’t even take out the trash!)
And on top of that, the stabbing pains in my side and in my shoulder were almost unbearable...
Yet it wasn’t until I stepped into the doctor's office later that day… And he told me my liver enzymes were sky high...

There was damage and scarring all over my liver.

That took me by complete surprise.
How could my liver be so damaged, and I didn’t even know about it until now?
Sure. I was overweight…

I was feeling tired all the time.

And I had a stabbing pain in my side that had shot up to my shoulder blade.
But that was because of my… 
My doctor told me my liver had stopped working….
And in a few moments I’ll reveal why your liver is 
the most CRITICAL organ in your body…
Because it’s responsible for removing all the toxic waste building up in your blood.
The doc said most of the time... The ONLY warning sign you have is liver enzymes levels are sky high.

And usually by the time you do anything about it… Your liver is scarred and damaged.

Which is why what he told me next almost knocked me off my feet.

If I didn’t detox my liver, I'd likely get scarring on my liver,  liver cancer and then need a liver transplant or worse… I could DIE within 2 years.
Scary, isn’t it?

Well I’m not trying to scare you…

I’m just telling you why I put this presentation together...

It’s because this simple, 60 second ritual I mentioned… is designed to reverse a toxic, fatty liver at the root...

By unclogging the layers of SLUDGE… That’s deep inside every vessel and artery of your liver.
When you use this natural breakthrough… you’ll be able to reverse even the most toxic, fatty liver And that’s just the start…

This 60 second ritual can help you:
  • Fall asleep, and wake up refreshed (and bursting with energy)

  • Ease the pain in your side or shoulder

  • Ease digestion

  • Melt away pounds of stubborn fat (so you can walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing)
Best part? This is NOT medication…
But a 100% natural remedy that’s safe to use.
This simple fix does NOT require surgery or getting a liver transplant.

And will help you lose up to 56 pounds of pure fat in the next 3-6 months...

Without dieting or exercising.
Today this same breakthrough discovery has helped over 16,097 men and women heal their toxic livers… And to reclaim their health...

And if you follow the simple 60 second ritual I’m about to share with you… I’m confident it can help you with your liver, too.
Just like Mary Bell of Texas. She writes…
“In April, my doctor told me I had advanced fatty liver. I almost fell over when I heard the news. But I was even more shocked, when he just sent me on my way, without any real advice!
I wasn’t sure how to fix my liver… and during lockdown, it was getting really bad.
I was struggling with fatigue, I could barely get out of bed in the morning and by 2:00pm my eyes were already shutting close. The pain in my abdomen had gone up my shoulder, which was really uncomfortable.

Worst of all, none of the prescription medication the doctor put me on was doing much. I felt like I was heading to an early grave.

Luckily my friend showed me your presentation. At first, I was feeling really skeptical because I’ve heard of all sorts of miracles from the internet before.

But as I kept reading and was really impressed by all the scientific studies behind your natural remedy, I decided to give it a shot. And I’m so glad I did!

After 2 weeks my high liver enzymes were going right down. My doctor told me to keep up whatever it was I was doing.
Well after 2 months I went back to the doctor and he said I “reversed my fatty liver.” I was so relieved to hear that! 
I even have the energy to look after my garden again. Thank you so much for sharing your research!“
And Mark Brown in Tennessee writes:
“Fatty liver is a terrifying disease. It comes out of nowhere. Doctors can’t even give you real advice about what to do.

I was told to just eat right and go for runs. Well, I tried eating healthy, I stopped drinking soda and all that other stuff. But it wasn’t helping.

I thank God I stumbled upon your website. After following your advice for 2 weeks, I got my energy back, my liver enzyme levels dropped and I started feeling better and better..
Well, after 30 days, I’d lost 26 pounds and felt like a whole new man! ”
I’m not worried anymore about my health and my doc says I’m as healthy as a horse. Thank you for this information!
These are just 2 of the thousands of letters I receive from people each month… Telling me how they’ve reversed their toxic, fatty livers... Using this simpe, 60-second ritual I’m about to share with you.

So keep reading, because the information inside may save your life.
Hi! My name is Michael Erikson 
And I’m just an ordinary 52 years old guy living in Kansas, Wichita with my darling wife, Sue.

Like a lot of you, when I was in my 20s I was as fit as a fiddle... I never gave a second thought about my health..

I could pretty much eat anything I want and burn it off overnight.
But as I reached my 30s,
my metabolism then slowed down...
Soon I started packing on weight...

My health started to take a turn for the worse too… my blood sugar levels went out-of-whack… and my cholesterol started to rise.
By the time I’d reached my 40s...
I weighed over 250 pounds…
I was on a cocktail of medication for my joint pain, blood sugar and blood pressure…

In fact, every day I was knocking back my meds like a packet of skittles.

Now, I’d always pegged my poor health to being overweight.

After all, my doctor had been nagging me for years to lose my big “beer belly”... Or I thought that maybe I was just “getting old.” And I truly wish that was the end of it.
Turns out I was DEAD WRONG...

Little did I know, there was a ticking time bomb inside me just waiting to erupt.
You see, a couple of months ago, I was starting to get fed up with the pain in my stomach.
It was a dull aching pain just below my right rib.

At first, I was tolerating it.

But then it shot up to my shoulder, and started to really worry me.
My wife, Sue, said I had to go to the doctor, but I hate going to the doctor.

At my age, all the doctor is good for is telling you what you already know...

That your health is lousy, and you should take some more pills.

So I ignored it for another week, praying to God it would go away…
But then in July 2019... I was feeling so exhausted - even more than usual.
I just wanted to sleep all day...
I ended up dragging my feet around the house in the morning, being about as useful as a sack of potatoes.

I went to lay down in the lounge to watch some TV… and eventually drifted off into sleep.

But when my wife woke up a couple hours later for dinner in the evening…
Something felt off.
I got up on my feet, but had to catch myself from toppling over.

I felt dizzy… my head was spinning ‘round and ‘round in circles, so I sat back down.

Sue was really worried about me now...

But my loving, dear wife was always worrying about me - she can be such a “worry wart” at times!

However, what happened next scared the heck out of me.

But it also ultimately led me to discover the simple, easy 60-second morning ritual that turned my health around...
You see, it was the middle of July, and we were in for a serious heatwave in Wichita.
I mean, it was a face dripping 98 degrees outside.

So my wife handed me a glass of water… because maybe I was just dehydrated, you know?
I gulped down the entire glass.
And then moments later, I felt sick to my stomach, and had to dash to the bathroom!
I barely made it to the toilet bowl before my body erupted…

And I started spewing out the water from my mouth, as if I had just consumed a big glass of poison.
"Mike, Mike… dear? What's wrong honey?" 
...My panicked wife, who was hot on my heels, shouted after me.
I told my wife I didn’t know what was wrong but I was feeling sick.

I turned on the tap and after rinsing my mouth out, I took another few swigs of water because when you get sick, you are supposed to rehydrate, right?

Well to spare you the gross details, I pretty much vomited that out, too.

Now, I’d like to say I was strong and handled the situation like a man.
But the truth is...
I didn’t know what was the matter...
And I was scared to the bone - worse than my darn wife!
And I can tell you… THIS time I wasn’t putting up any fights to go see the doctor!

In fact, my wife couldn’t get me to the doctor fast enough…

She was racing to the hospital like a Nascar driver, running nearly every red traffic light on the way.
When we finally arrived at the doctor’s office…

My head was spinning something fierce...

So it sure was nice to plop myself down on the sturdy wooden recliner in the doctor's office...

Surrounded by medical certificates and different medical equipment I felt like the worst was over and I was in safe hands now at the doctor…
Well, little did I know it was about to get worse - way worse.
You see, the doctor took some of my blood to run some tests.

And even though I was feeling a little worse for wear, I was cracking jokes with the doctor like I always do.

That’s why I’ll NEVER forget the next moment...

When he walked back into the room, his face pale white... As if he'd just seen a ghost.

He was holding the results of my bloodwork in his hand.

When he sat down, he wouldn’t look me in the eyes at first.

Then he took one deep breath…

And shot me a fearful look that sent a shiver down my spine.
"Michael... I'm not sure how to tell you this.
But I have some bad news about your liver"
Instantly, I felt the blood drain out of my face. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

The doctor continued...
"I’ve just run tests on your blood, and you're showing advanced signs of fatty liver..
Your AST and ALT levels are 123 and 135. This is times higher than normal...
It looks like you have stage 4 liver disease with some scarring on your liver.

I'll need to do a liver biopsy just to be sure... But the bottom line is this:

You’ve got to get this fixed, because if it gets too serious... can die within
two years… 
...maybe even six depending on the biopsy report.”
It felt like I was watching his lips move in slow-mo - like I was a million miles away.

I could hear my wife in hysterical tears by my side. But she felt far away, too.

I just didn’t know what to say…

And truth be told, I was freaking out.

"Cirrhosis... cancer... liver transplant..."

The words coming out of my doctor's mouth scared me half to death.
But the only advice the doctor could give me was  "eat less, exercise more."
What exactly was I supposed to do to save my liver?
Without real answers… I left his office in a haze…

I felt like I had been handed a death sentence, and I was walking the green mile back to the car - with my poor wife sobbing by my side...
And boy was I terrified out of my mind.

Worst of all… I wasn’t even sure how to save myself...

I’m 52 years old and you want me to start exercising NOW?

I’m already exhausted every day, how am I supposed to do that...

And what was I supposed to eat, exactly?
I felt like my doctor left me with more questions than answers…
...and to be honest, that really pissed me off.
He’s supposed to be the expert.

But he couldn’t tell me anything useful about how to fix my dysfunctional liver.
Well, I can tell you, if my wife was worried before… Now, she was in a state alright.

She told me I had to eat salads every day… and go for walk in the morning.

But I hate salads. And I hate exercising...  I haven’t done that in YEARS!
Later I discovered I didn’t have to do ANY of that (which I’ll reveal in a moment).

But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified.

So I started walking a mile every morning...

Which was really difficult.

I already felt EXHAUSTED…

But my wife kept saying “Baby steps, Michael… you got this honeypie.”
Bless her, she wants me to live just as much as I do.

And so do my 3 kids… and my 2 grandchildren!
Truth is, I’m scared of leaving them behind.
Like my 4 year old grandson, Timmy.

He’s a sweet kid. A real softy, too. And he loves his grandpa very much.

I just couldn’t stand the thought of my little Timmy crying his eyes out when he finds out Grandpa had to go to heaven. It tore me up inside!
And my wife, she was being really supportive, too - making me salads every day.

I told her I don’t like lettuce and cucumber! But I ate it anyway because I love my family very much.

So, fine, whatever - I’m eating clean and exercising every day, just like the doctor ordered.

Could it be that simple?
Truth be told, I was literally starving every day.
I just wanted to eat some potatoes, bacon and a nice, juicy steak again - but I know I shouldn’t.

And if that wasn’t bad enough… I’d weigh myself each week…
And guess what?
The scale would NOT budge - not even an inch!
I went back to the doctor a couple months later just to check up on my liver.

And you know, despite doing EVERYTHING right, my liver enzymes were still sky high!

I was so frustrated, I was about ready to pull my hair out.

Later I realized that none of this was going to work, until I tackled the real issue, which was my "toxic liver" (I'll reveal that in a moment...)

And don't even get me started on the doctor's awful medication!

I was now taking Betaine, Avianda, and Actigall, just to name a few... ON TOP of the cocktail of drugs I was already on for my high blood sugar and blood pressure...
And it was not helping!
Like Urso Forte - my doctor insisted I take to help my liver.

But it wasn’t making a lick of difference…

All I know is I felt lousy on it... It made me feel light headed.

In fact, it was so bad, I nearly fell over a couple of times in the house.

And to be honest, at my age I can't afford to fall - my bones are NOT as strong as in my 20s. One hard fall is all it takes to snap your hip like a twig!
Plus all these pills were just burning a massive hole in my pocket - setting me back  THOUSANDS of dollars per month!
I was on the verge of giving up...
Maybe I was just destined to be fat, and have a dysfunctional liver I just wished there was something that could help me.

And give me the energy to walk in the morning or play with my grandson Timmy again.

In fact, I would have done anything to just heal my liver…

So I wouldn’t feel so beat down all the time.

I can’t help but feel that there’s something my doctor isn’t telling me  - or maybe he’s just as clueless as I am!
I decided to do my own research and get to the bottom of this.
But every article I read made me even more confused…

It was as if hardly anyone knew what caused liver disease and how to fix it.

Honestly, the more I researched, the more I felt like giving up…of just resigning myself to the tragic reality that I would end up getting a liver transplant - or worse.

I thought about how the best thing would probably be to just start trying to spend as much time with my wife and grandchildren while I could.
And so despite my deep feelings of doubt, I channeled every ounce of resolve I had and kept pushing forward with my research.

In some ways – I guess you could say that doing something here felt better than doing nothing.
To be honest, I wasn't even sure what the liver does?
How could an organ in your side... have such a HUGE impact on your health…

It’s not a brain, or a heart or stomach, or anything like that?

I guess I didn’t know my biology all too well. So I looked it up.
Well according to the internet...
The liver is actually pretty important!
Did you know - apart from skin - your liver is the largest organ inside your body?
(About the size of a football!)

And that’s no coincidence either.

The liver plays a vital role in helping your body function.

Silently performing over 500 essential functions in your body.

For example your liver:
  • Converts the food you eat into vital nutrients for your cells
  • Breaks down fats, and produces energy that powers your body
  • Regulates your hormones
  • Controls blood sugar and blood clotting
  • Triggers an immune response
But most importantly...
Your liver cleanses your blood of harmful toxins.
That’s why if you want a clean, healthy, functioning body… You need a healthy liver.
  • It affects how you feel…
  • How much energy you have…
  • How your skin looks (acne or dryness? Blame your liver...)
  • It affects your digestion, and whether your tummy balloons out after a meal
  • Even how good you feel inside…
  • Or how clear your mind is (foggy liver… foggy brain!)
And it determines how long you live too… because as I’ll reveal in a moment…

A dysfunctional liver can lead to irreversible damage and even death... (especially if you’re in your 50s, 60s or beyond).
So now we know why the liver is important…

And how it's literally responsible for your health and keeps you alive.

So here’s the million dollar question…
What happens when your liver can’t do its job…
And clean up the toxins in your blood?
Well, that’s a condition called 
fatty liver disease…
Which affects one in four Americans…

And silently destroys their health from the inside out - without them even knowing.

According to Harvard Medical School...
Fatty liver is caused by an excess fat building up in your liver.
You see, when you eat foods like fat or carbs - your body breaks it down... And it becomes tiny fat molecules that enter your blood.

Remember, your liver’s job is to clean up your blood...

So eventually all these fats end up traveling to your liver, too.

Normally, this is ok because your liver will break down the fat… and burn it off
for energy.
But when there’s TOO MUCH fat in your blood…
Your liver can’t burn it off fast enough.
Then two things happen:
First, your body starts storing all the excess fat in all the wrong places...

Like your belly, thighs, hips, face and, of course, your liver.

That’s why it’s so hard to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise.

It’s because your body is storing all this fat on your body - instead of naturally burning it off.

Well, that’s just the start of your problems…
The second thing that happens...

Which is even more dangerous…

Is all that excess fat also clogs up your liver.

And stops your liver from carrying out the 500 critical functions that keep you healthy and alive.

The most important job of all is removing the dangerous toxins from your blood.
So when your liver can’t clean up your blood anymore...
Those unhealthy toxins begin to slowly build up, up, UP...
Until your blood is completely toxic...
And poisons every cell in your liver... as well as your heart, brain, stomach, skin and other organs.

When this happens. Not only does it wreck your health… and make you feel lousy...

It can damage your body and cause permanent, irreversible scarring of the liver.
Think of it like this…

Your liver is like the toilet plumbing in your house. I know, this ain’t sounding pretty...

But please stick with me… Because I promise you’ll understand exactly what a toxic liver is in just a moment.
So as you know, your toilet has the important job of getting rid of all the “waste” you don’t want.

Well, imagine if you tried to flush a whole roll of toilet paper all at once...

And you tried that every day.

I don’t have to tell you that would be a really bad idea…

Because it wouldn’t be long before your toilet pipes are all clogged up.
And all the “waste” you’re trying to flush away, would wash back out again.

Pretty gross, right? 

Well, my intention isn’t to gross you out...

It’s to make a simple point:
That this backwash of toxic waste is exactly what’s happening inside your liver.
Now, you might be wondering:
 “Do I really have a Toxic Liver?”
Here’s a quick test to see if you’re suffering from a “dysfunctional” liver. Just answer each point honestly.

Does any of this sound familiar:
  • Feel tired all the time
  • A general feeling of being unwell
  • You’re overweight
  • Pain in your back, between your shoulders and in your abdomen (under your rib)
  • Experience bloating and digestive issues
  • Gallbladder stones
  • Uncontrollable weight gain
  • Trouble staying or falling asleep
  • Acne, eczema or other skin troubles
  • Redness on the palms of your hands
  • Yellow tinge to your eyes
  • Your liver enzymes are out-of-whack
If you answered yes to any of these...
Then your liver is likely toxic.
Just like 90 million other American’s who suffer from these problems every day.

But don’t worry… Because in just a few moments, I’m going to reveal a simple, 60-second morning ritual that can help.
But before we get to that…

You might still be wondering what causes a “toxic liver” in the first place?

Well, there are two major reasons:
The first one is diet...
It’s no shocker that most American’s have unhealthy diets… Eating foods loaded with sugars and high in carbs...

And according to Harvard Medical School…

This leads to a high amount of fatty acids (fat in the blood).

And because your liver is responsible for processing what's in your blood…

These fatty acids go straight to your liver where they clog it up¹... Causing your liver to get fatter and fatter…
And remember… You don’t only put on even MORE fat on your butt, hips and thighs...

Your liver can’t function properly either… So it stops cleaning the toxins from your blood.

And with nothing to remove those poisons from your body... They instead pollute and poison every organ and cell in your body... Making you feel tired...
The second reason is medication.
According to the Annals of Hepatology Journal… Many prescription drugs are to blame.

Which is scary because...

If you’re like 76% of Americans over the age of 50, you’re probably taking a bunch of medications like:

Tylenol, Ozempic, Betaine, Avandia, Actos, Ursodiol, Ibuprofen, methotrexate (Rheumatrex), griseofulvin (Grifulvin V), tamoxifen (Nolvadex), steroids, valproate (Depakote), and amiodarone (Cordarone) just to name a few.
And as you get older - the number of medications your doctor prescribes you goes up.
  • Back pain? Doctor prescribes a pill.
  • Stomach not working? Swallow this pill.
  • Blood pressure too high? Here’s another pill.
  • Diabetic and need insulin? Jab this toxin stick in your leg.
Just like alcohol - these are foreign toxins to the body.
Now don’t get me wrong… in most cases, medication is necessary to support your health.
And you should be taking them.

The problem is, when your liver isn’t functioning properly… It simply can’t remove these toxins from your blood.

And instead, the toxins from all the medication you’re on… Flood your liver…

And overwhelm it with even MORE toxins…

And accelerates the damage to your toxic liver...

Putting you at a greater risk for cirrhosis.
So now that you understand that the liver is critical to every function in your body…

And detoxifies your blood of deadly toxins…

But when it’s clogged up by fat…

And can’t function properly...

Not only do you store fat all over your body (including your liver)...

Those toxins also build up in your blood….

And poison your liver and every other organ.
That means if you want to reverse the damage done to your liver… It’s a simple 2-step process
That means if you want to reverse the damage done to your liver…
It’s a simple 2-step process:
  • Step 1: FLUSH the fat that’s clogging up your liver.

  • Step 2: DETOX your liver and reverse the damage that toxic liver has caused.
Well, the only problem now was finding a way to do this…

I’d tried dieting and exercising, but it didn’t make a difference!

Artificial drugs didn’t seem right either - after all it’s filled with toxins and the last thing we want is to flood the liver with MORE toxins.

So I spent a couple weeks researching the internet.

Looking for a healthy, natural way to restore a toxic liver…

Honestly, this disease is so poorly understood, it was like it’s impossible to find anything…

I was on the verge of giving up… When I stumbled upon a forum online for folks who have a toxic, fatty liver.
The members were discussing a meta-study that showed a natural ingredient called Silymarin with huge promise.
In fact, eight randomly controlled trials with over 582 patients showed that Silymarin is “an encouraging and considerable phytotherapy for NAFLD patients.”

In other words, maybe I could reverse my toxic liver with this natural ingredient?

It was a long shot, but I was desperate for anything.

So I dug deeper.

And I was blown away by what I found!
Silymarin is a liver supernutrient and has been used for over 2000 years to repair, heal and detoxify the liver²...
It’s native to Europe, Asia and Northern Africa ³ where the locals use it as a “liver tonic.”

Best part? There were HUNDREDS of studies from the top journals... And all of them said that Silymarin had significant promise in repairing and restoring a dysfunctional liver!
For example…

I found a study published in the World Journal of Hepatology (which is a world-renowned journal dedicated to just the liver)...

72 patients who had chronically inflamed and toxic livers so clogged up from poor diet and toxins, they were barely functioning.

These patients were given silymarin twice a day…

Six months later, they checked their livers, and researchers were absolutely stunned!
Years of toxic sludge was GONE from their livers…
Plus: their livers had healed significantly!
Researchers could see that ALT and AST levels, which are liver enzymes that leak out from damaged livers, “were significantly reduced.”

Which is important because these enzymes leak out of damaged livers.

So, if you heal the liver, these enzymes stop leaking out. Not to mention the signs of fatty liver “significantly dropped”⁴...

Which means their livers were looking leaner and healthier than they had in years!
Researchers even excitedly concluded that “Silymarin appears to be effective to reduce” signs of fatty liver.⁵
Isn’t that amazing?
But that’s not the only impressive study I found…

Because I soon discovered that this study was just the tip of the iceberg.

In a study published in the journal Drugs in R&D... 78 patients with metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance and fatty liver were split into two groups…

Group A consisted of 43 subjects who were given a silymarin supplement with diet and exercise program…

And group B consisted of 35 subjects who did not receive the silymarin supplement…
Now, here’s the surprising thing…
After 90, days the researchers were shocked…

Group A experienced a significant reduction in abdominal circumference (belly fat), BMI, Triglycerides (fat in the blood) and bad cholesterol….

Which makes sense if you think about it...

Because once you flush out the fat clogging up your liver… Your body once again can burn away stored fat on your body like an incinerator!
In fact, in the silymarin group... Their waistlines were reduced nearly 2.5 times more than the diet and exercise only group!

These findings shocked researchers who concluded that ”lifestyle intervention alone may not be sufficient to achieve significant objective improvements” that support long term success.⁶
In other words, diet and exercise alone is simply not enough.
For best results, you need Silymarin.
And like I said, that was just the tip of the iceberg for this “liver tonic:”

Because study after study showed that Silymarin significantly reduces AST, ALT, blood sugar levels, total cholesterol and triglycerides.⁷ ⁸

Plus there were a dozen other studies that showed it has powerful antioxidant⁹ and anti-inflammatory¹⁰ effects on the liver - which promote healing in the liver and reverse the effects of fatty liver.
But it didn’t stop at Silymarin…

I followed the link in a study to the next star ingredient on the list. Which is...
As you know, Curcumin is the active ingredient in Tumeric… The yellow spice used in indian cooking…

You might know turmeric as nature’s best weapon against inflammation...

Because it has been used for hundreds of years to ease inflammation in muscles and joints, stomach, heart and especially your liver…

But what you might not know…

Is that turmeric also fights against fat build up in your liver.
In a study reviewing all the clinical data on turmeric, published in the Journal Of Nutrients…

It was revealed that 102 patients with toxic, fatty livers were given curcumin supplement…

And after just 8 short weeks… There was a “significant reduction in transaminase levels, waist circumference, body mass index, but especially the degree of hepatic steatosis in 75% of the treated subjects.”¹¹
In other words Curcumin effectively reduced the fat build up in their livers and improved every other marker of liver health!
Amazing, isn’t it?

Well it doesn’t stop there… Next I found...
Dandelion Root
Here's a magical plant that's been trusted by Russian folk physicians since the year 900 A.D. to prevent and reverse liver disease.

Dandelion Root has been touted for generations in the support of liver ailments.

It is also known to improve digestion and even boost immunity.

One reason is because it contains powerful antioxidant “tannins.”

Tannis has been shown in research to help cleanse the liver of built up toxins.
But it’s that’s only the beginning…

A meta-analysis of studies published in the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science…

Discovered that Dandelion is a powerful herb for protecting the liver…

In the researchers own words, “Studies also confirm the hepatoprotective, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of dandelion. The extensive literature survey reveals dandelion to be safe.”
In other words, dandelion is scientifically proven to reduce dangerous inflammation and to heal and protect your liver. Without any danger whatsoever!
And that’s just a drop in the ocean of the scientifically supported natural herbs that protect your liver and heal the damage.

These 3 ingredients flush out the fat in your liver and help detox, heal and protect your liver from damage.
But they’re just the start.
You see throughout my months of research…

I’ve found an additional 20 ingredients that all show immense promise when it comes to reversing fatty liver.

Which I’ll reveal in just a moment.

Now, here’s the thing…

Given the science behind all of these ingredients…

You would think doctors everywhere would recommend them to their patients…
But, unfortunately that’s not how it always works.
The fact of the matter is more people could benefit from learning about natural health...

But now that I had all these ingredients written on a piece of paper… I ordered a bunch of supplements from Amazon…

But I couldn’t find everything online... I got some of the herbs, vegetables and spices from my grocery store…
Although I was still missing many of the “exotic” ingredients from my list, I got to work on what I had.

Once my package from Amazon arrived at my front door the next morning…

I tore it open like a Christmas present….

I swallowed 18 pills with my breakfast.

And blended the rest of the ingredients into a smoothie, that I gulped down.

The taste was absolutely awful!
I started to doubt myself...

Was I just being silly thinking I could reverse my fatty liver with all these natural ingredients?

But I was desperate… and I owed it to my wife to give it a chance…

No matter how much a fool I felt.
Well I’m glad I persisted.
Because the next morning when I woke up… I felt different.
I had a little bit more energy - but nothing to write home about!

My eyelids were still heavy…

I still weighed EXACTLY the same.

And I could barely make it through my morning walk…

My burst of energy had gone, and after just half a mile into my walk, I gave up and went back home.
That’s when I started to seriously question whether I was just wasting my time.

What if there’s nothing I can do about my toxic, fatty liver?

But when I arrived back home, my wife was waiting for me with another smoothie.

Even though she handed it to me with a supportive smile... I could see in her eyes, she was still deeply worried about me and loved me very much

So I thought dang it, my wife won’t quit on me, so neither will I!
I’m so glad I persisted, because after 4 days...
I woke up in the morning, wide-eyed… And FILLED with energy!
My wife was pleased that I was even doing chores around the house again like taking out the trash.

The pain in my side was almost gone, too.
But the biggest surprise was when I got on the scale. 
I'd lost 3 pounds!
It might not seem like much… but it was proof to me I was getting better!

The next day I lost another pound.

And another pound the day after that.
I was feeling so good I called up my buddy, John.

He’s a retired businessman, who spends his days swinging his 4-iron at the golf course.

My call took him by surprise because he knew about my toxic liver.

After convincing him I was feeling just fine, we met up on the green... And I’m pleased to say…
I got through all 18 holes without huffing and puffing or needing to take a break!
John was blown away by how fast I’d turned my health around.

I told him how I’d used natural ingredients to detox - and that it was working wonders.

Only problem was that it was costing me an arm and a leg to buy all these supplements.

Not to mention it was almost tortuous taking them all...

And some of the ingredients I couldn’t even get in the United States!
Well, John was a smart man... and seeing the opportunity in front of him he made a deal with me.
“Mike… You don’t have to take all those pills. I know the top manufacturing facilities in the United States.  

Tell me what all 23 of your ingredients are - I’ll get them put into a single capsule… that you can take just once a day”
I wanted to tell John that was a fool's errand.

But instead... I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down the names of all the ingredients for him…

And true to his word, one month later a box arrived at my door.

Inside there was a bottle with 60 pills - a full month’s supply.

I started taking this new formula…
And boy, the difference was night and day...
I bounced out of bed the next morning...

My energy came roaring back…

The pain in my side was totally gone…

Week after week, I was losing weight like clock work.

For me it was a miracle!

And after 2 months I’d lost a staggering 57 pounds of fat!
I couldn’t believe it myself!
Just to be sure, I went back to my doctor for a checkup.

When I walked through the door, I wasn’t expecting what would happen next. His eyes widened in shock…


The doctor barely recognised me!

But the best part was when he checked my blood work… He looked at me smiling from ear to ear...
“Mike, your liver enzymes are normal! Look, I don’t know how you’ve done it but there’s no signs of toxic liver anymore
I’ve never seen ANYONE reverse their toxic liver like this before”... doctor said to me.
His words hit me all at once… It was like a heavy weight had finally been lifted off my shoulders!

It was all thanks to this unbelievable super pill…

And I continued to feel better and better with each passing day.
Folks in my community sure started to take notice.
People at my church, my golf club and the guys in my men’s groups…

Many of them lived with toxic livers…

Some of them were early stage and others were late stage and every bit in between.

And they were suffering from feeling tired all of the time… being overweight… and some who were further along had pains in their sides.
Well, they all wanted to know what I was doing.
I thought about all the folks I’d spoken to online…

And how they were all desperate for answers and scared witless.

So I went to John and told him we’ve got to help more people.

Even though it costs thousands of dollars, we ordered several hundred more of these herbal pills.

Then I gave em out to everyone who asked for them.
The results were staggering…
Nearly every single one of them who took this pill saw their liver enzyme levels drop significantly.

They melted away pounds and pounds of body fat…

And on average, folks were able to reverse their toxic livers within the first 82 days.
Well, at that point my phone and computer were beeping with calls and messages… Folks from all over the world wanted to speak to me!

And they were begging me to send them some of these pills right away...

And as a Christian, I knew the right thing to do… was to help as many people reverse their life-threatening toxic liver, as fast as possible.

I spoke to John again, and he put up half the money.

After convincing my wife, I mortgaged our home to put up the other half…

And ordered several hundred of these all natural pills each week.
I decided to call this breakthrough...
Urgent Liver 911 
Inside Urgent Liver 911, you’ll find 23 of the most powerful liver cleansing ingredients known to science…
Plus every single bottle is made in the U.S.A…
Urgent Liver 911 is manufactured in a GMP certified and FDA compliant facility right here in the United States…

Every single capsule of Urgent Liver 911 is safe and made to the highest standards.

And every batch of Urgent Liver 911 is sent to an independent third-party laboratory…

Where every ingredient is analyzed... To ensure quality and purity...

And that what's seen on the label is what’s actually inside.
But that’s still just the start…
See: Urgent Liver 911 has only natural ingredients that are backed by real research...
That’s specifically designed to target a toxic liver...
By flushing out the fat clogging your liver…

Your liver can get to work again...

And not only clear out the toxic sludge in your liver…

It repairs and protects your liver, too

In the short time since we released Urgent Liver 911 to the public…

It’s already been used by over 16,907 people…
And even though they were from widely different backgrounds, genetics and stages of fatty liver…

The feedback we’ve received from these folks is incredible.

All it takes is just 2 small capsules per day… To dramatically reverse your fatty liver, drop unwanted pounds, and feel lighter and more energized than you have in years.
It’s all thanks to natural ingredients inside Urgent Liver 911...
That are scientifically proven to get you results… Like:
The 2000 year old “liver tonic” that’s been clinically proven to detox your liver…

Hundreds of clinical studies show Silymarin significantly reduces AST, ALT, blood sugar levels, total cholesterol and triglycerides...

And reduces the signs of fatty liver
Known as nature’s best defense against inflammation…

Curcumion also fights the build up of fat in your liver…

Helping you burn away body fat...

And get significant liver detoxing results in as little as 8 weeks!
Dandelion Root…
For thousands of years, it has been used to repair, heal and protect your liver from danger.

Clinical studies prove its liver protecting properties.

It also eases inflammation and is a powerful antioxidant - which keeps your liver healthy for months and years to come.
And remember that’s just the start...
 This formula is packed with 5 more incredible liver healing ingredients. First up is:
Which is commonly used to assist bettering liver disorders.
Because it is both an anti-inflammatory agent and is hepatoprotective¹². And that’s not all…

Studies show it also stimulates secretion of bile which helps break down hard-to-digest fat in the gut…

Thus helping in the prevention of gallstones, as well as easing gas, bloating and aids in healthy digestion.¹³

Then we have...
 or NAC for short...

It's an incredible amino acid that increases healthy blood flow to your liver. Which nourishes and supports a healthy liver.

In fact, research in the Journal of Clinical Therapy show NAC protects your liver against “chemical death,” which is damage to your liver caused by all the medicine doctors prescribe.

 It has been reported that NAC significantly decreases the span of the spleen, and it can be used to improve liver function in patients with NAFLD.¹⁴

Next up is...
Celery has powerful antioxidants and removes free radicals that damage your cells.¹⁵

PLUS: Studies show that it helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels.¹⁶

Urgent Liver 911 also has...
It’s used in Chinese medicine to detoxify the blood and promote blood circulation to the skin surface…

Which helps smooth out skin and gets rid of eczema.¹⁷

Last we have...
Jujube seeds
Jujube has hepatoprotective effects, neuroprotective effects and promotes better and longer sleep.¹⁸ ¹⁹

Isn’t that amazing?

Well, I’ve got great news...
We’ve included yet another 15 powerful toxic liver fighting ingredients.
Now, you’ve seen first hand:
  • How I was able to reverse my toxic liver…
  • How I was able to lose 56 pounds over 2 months…
  • And live a care-free life where I was free to play golf with my buddies…
  • And have the energy to play with my grandkids again…
It’s all thanks to the breakthrough Urgent Liver 911 and the 23 potent nutrients inside.
And it doesn’t matter if you’re 30 or 80.
All it takes are two capsules once per day to experience the exact same benefits.
Now. you’re wondering how you can get your hands on Urgent Liver 911 right away…

And you might also be wondering… How much should you take each day?

The truth is that there are only limited supplies of Urgent Liver 911 available…

And that’s not a marketing gimmick or anything like that… It's God's honest truth.
Remember: Urgent Liver 911 is made in a GMP certified facility.
And each batch is tested by an independent third-party laboratory…

To ensure what’s seen on the label is what’s found inside.

Urgent Liver 911 also contains no chemicals or artificial fillers.

PhtAge must use the exact same ingredients inside every batch…

Which is neither cheap nor easy to do…
Since there are over 23 ingredients in Urgent Liver 911...

And many of these ingredients are sourced from around the world...

At the highest quality…

Where they don’t exactly have great “supply chains”...

And where there are constant shortages and delays in getting these ingredients shipped to the U.S.
Which means out-of-stocks are always a risk.
And because of this… The team at PhytAge Labs can only produce a limited number of Urgent Liver 911 bottles at any given time.
Since men and women of all ages are not only naturally detoxing their liver… and reversing years of damage…

They are also experiencing so many additional health benefits…

Like melting away pounds of body fat, boosting energy levels, fighting inflammation, improving digestive and skin issues, and so much more…

Folks keep ordering several bottles of Urgent Liver 911 at a time.
Which makes it difficult for the team at PhytAge Labs to keep up with demand.

Now, I couldn’t be more happy with Urgent Liver 911’s growing popularity and success…

But the truth is… Out-of-stocks is a very real risk.

With that being said… I also don’t want anyone else to continue to suffer from the anxiety and fear of trying to heal and reverse a toxic liver…

That’s why in the next few moments…
I’ll share how you can get a supply of Urgent Liver 911 today…
As part of my breakthrough new Pilot Program.
But before I do that, let’s return to that second question:

How much Urgent Liver 911 should you take every day?

That one’s pretty straight forward…

Just take 2 capsules once per day…

And that’s literally all it takes!

And here’s why it’s important to take Urgent Liver 911 for at least 30 days..
While the powerful ingredients inside Urgent Liver 911 get to work immediately…

Helping you unclog years even decades of backed up sludge from your liver...
The reality is the more Urgent Liver 911 is used, the better chance it has at delivering results that LAST.
It’s for that reason that I personally recommend choosing at least 4 bottles of Urgent Liver 911 (a 4 month supply) to ensure you’re fully protected and completely safe...

That way you can rest assured knowing you did EVERYTHING you could to fight your toxic liver and weight.

That’s what thousands of folks who use Urgent Liver 911 regularly attest to…
But don’t just take my word for it…

That’s what 16,907 folks who used Urgent Urgent Liver 911 swear by...
Like Travis Young from Michigan. He says...
Urgent Liver 911 is a god send. I was so worried about my liver every day. Doc said If I didn’t get my liver right, I’d get scarring. Well, I was dieting and exercising but none of it worked for me.

Before using your pills, my ALT was pushing 109 and my AST was on 59. And my ferritin levels were a staggering 1264.

But since I started on Urgent Liver 911 though, my enzyme levels are in the normal range.
It doesn’t even matter what I eat, my blood work says I'm healthy!“
And Gary Sullivan of Arkansas. He writes…
Urgent Liver 911 is incredible! I was exhausted every day, and felt lost and confused.

I was on a bunch of medication the doctors gave me, but I was just feeling worse. My blood reports said they weren’t making any difference anyway.

Since taking your pills every morning, I’ve noticed a big difference.
 My energy is back and the pain in my side has gone. I’ve even lost 26 pounds in the last 4 weeks. Thank you!“
And that's just a handful of the thousands who write to me and tell me how Urgent Liver 911 has changed their lives.
Now, you should know that Urgent Liver 911 is
only available on this website.
And given it’s increasing popularity…

I can’t promise it’ll be here forever…

Especially with the manufacturer struggling to keep up with demand.

Normally Urgent Liver 911 should retail for $120.00 a bottle…

But right now and through this website only…

You can get Urgent Liver 911 today at a Major Discount.

You see, unlike other solutions out there…

Like oral medications…
Urgent Liver 911 is non-habit forming and has ZERO side effects.
Plus, on top of that… It’s non-invasive… Just swallow 2 pills once per day.

Which is a heck of a lot better than having your liver replaced (like my doctor suggested)

So when you consider all of that…

$120 for Urgent Liver 911 really is a fair deal…

Especially when you think about how much you’ll save in doctor visits, drugs, insurance premiums over the next year.

Plus, there’s all the benefits money can’t buy like:
Waking up each day refreshed and bursting with energy.
Or enjoying time with your family and grandchildren.
Or finally having peace of mind that your liver is fully protected.
Considering all of this…
$120 really is a steal.
Yet despite all of that… This isn’t about making a profit for me…

Now of course, I have to figure out how to cover manufacturing costs…

And spread this message to as many men and women as possible.
But ultimately, my mission is to help people.
Because I know what it feels like to have your world flipped upside down as you face the real prospect of leaving this world and your loved ones behind.

And as a Christian man, I feel like it is my duty to you and to God to help as many people as possible.

Which means I want everyone to be able to get a supply of Urgent Liver 911.
That’s why I'm offering this liver protection breakthrough to the public for the first time…

Through a special Liver Protection Campaign.
When ordered now... can get your very own bottle of Urgent Liver 911 for a one-time investment...
 ...of just $69.95.
But that’s just the beginning…

I understand that reversing your toxic liver isn’t just important to you…

It’s important to your loved ones, too.

And because I want to make sure you continue to enjoy the absolute best health, along with more energy, freedom from pain, healthy digestion, clear skin, and even a slimmer waistline…

It’s for this reason that I’ve created a special substantially discounted multi-bottle plan…
Where you can stock up and save on 4 bottles of Urgent Liver 911
For just $49.95 per bottle…
Which is a savings of over $70 a bottle when you order right now.
But you won’t find this discount anywhere else except on this page…

As part of our Urgent Liver 911 “Liver Protection Campaign”

Plus you’ll also get free shipping today, which is a $9.95 value…

But both the discount and free shipping are for a limited time…

And only while supplies last.

So choose the 4 Bottle package (or any other package that’s right) below…
And get your order today while there are supplies in stock!
*(Special discounted pricing available for a limited time only)
After choosing your package…

You’ll be redirected to our 252 bit secure order page...

Fill in your order information…

It’s 100% safe and secure. And after that…

Your order of Urgent Liver 911 will be on its way to your front door…

And will arrive in 5 business days from now.
 This is truly one of the most critical investments you’ll ever make for your well being.
A single bottle of Urgent Liver 911 will unclog the fat in your liver…

And repair damage caused by toxins…
Two bottles will guarantee you can keep taking Urgent Liver 911 without interruption...

And 4 bottles of Urgent Liver 911 will give you 120 days of protection…

Giving you complete freedom and the ability to enjoy a carefree life for many years to come.

So go ahead and choose  a package of Urgent Liver 911 now while there are still supplies in stock.
And enjoy the peace of mind that comes from protecting and securing your health today!
*(Special discounted pricing available for a limited time only)
And listen… Because I’m so confident you’ll experience incredible results…

I’m not just promising them… I’m going to guarantee them.
Your investment today is covered by...
A 90 day, 100% money back guarantee
It works like this…

Right now place an order…

And say “maybe” to Urgent Liver 911...

Then when you get your bottles in a few short days… Take 1 capsule per day…
Then notice as you feel better day by day…
  • When you wake up in the morning feeling fully rejuvenated...
  • Each week you’ll lose more and more pounds of body fat.
  • Pay close attention as your whole body begins feeling revitalized and new..
And if you’re not head-to-toes thrilled by your results from Urgent Liver 911

We’ll give you 100 bucks back… just for giving it an “honest try.”
You have absolutely nothing to lose today, except fat clogging up your liver that’s wrecking your health.
So go ahead and choose your package below.
*(Special discounted pricing available for a limited time only)
Now it’s time to make a decision...
You’ve reached a crossroads… And you have two choices…

You can close this page, and ignore everything you’ve seen today…

The amazing studies that show how the ingredients in Urgent Liver 911, can unclog the fat in your liver and assist it back to good health.

That’s absolutely your choice… but what will change for you?
Please answer this question honestly…
  • How are you going to feel in a month, six months, or a year from now… If you don’t take action today, and you’re still dealing with a toxic liver?

  • Or, God forbid, how will you feel if your liver starts to fail?

  • If you’re carrying these thoughts with you from day to day…

  • Afraid of your next doctor’s visit, worried sick about what it will mean...
Well, that’s just
no way to live.
Especially now that I’ve shared the ingredients inside Urgent Liver 911… and shown you how powerful they are at reversing a toxic liver.

That’s why I want to make it easy to say “YES” to Urgent Liver 911 today…

So go ahead and get a bottle of Urgent Liver 911 for just $69.95 per bottle…

Or choose one of the more popular  packages for even greater savings.

Remember your investment is protected by a 90 day Money Back Guarantee, so there’s no risk…
So end your frustration today. And choose a package right now.
And start living a better,
care-free life you deserve.
Michael Erikson
*(Special discounted pricing available for a limited time only)
Still here?
 No problem, I know we just covered a lot.
To help you out, let me go ahead and answer some of the most common questions you might have…
  • Why will Urgent Liver 911 help when other solutions have failed me in the past?
Urgent Liver 911 gets right to the source of your problem...

By unclogging the fat in your liver and repairing the damage done…

So your liver can start cleaning the dangerous toxins out of your blood.

Not to mention... The natural ingredients inside Urgent Liver 911 are backed by tons of clinical studies.

Which proves they can reverse your toxic liver.
  • 2. Who Is Urgent Liver 911  For?
Urgent Liver 911 is for ANYONE who’s dealing with toxic, fatty liver.
  • So if you’ve been told by a doctor that your liver enzymes are too high…
  • You’re been drinking a lot…
  • Or you’re overweight - and feel tired all the time...
...Then Urgent Liver 911 is perfect for you!
It’s made from natural ingredients that have been shown to reverse even the most toxic liver.
  • 3. What Happens Once I Click The Button Below?
Once you choose your package below, you’ll go to our 100% secure checkout page.

Then just enter your payment information and place your order.

After that, you’ll receive Urgent Liver 911 in the next 5 business days…

Which means you’re less than a week away from making your toxic liver a distant memory.
  • 4. Can You Remind Me Of The Guarantee You Mentioned?

Urgent Liver 911 comes with a 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you aren’t absolutely THRILLED with your results for any reason…

Simply call or email my customer service team…

And we’ll refund your investment with zero questions asked.
  • 5. How Long Will Urgent Liver 911 Be Available?
That’s hard to say. With more and more folks ordering Urgent Liver 911 every day…
Out-of-stock is a real possibility.
And because it’s ingredients are sourced from around the world…

We’re uncertain how long it’ll be until we get more.

That’s why it’s important you get Urgent Liver 911 today…

Especially since it comes with a 90 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

Which means there’s zero risk to you.
  • 6. Alright I Really Want Urgent Liver 911. What Now?
This part is simple!

Just click one of the buttons below and choose your package.

Then complete your order…

And Urgent Liver 911 will be in your hands in just five business days from now.

Plus there’s no risk because of my iron-clad guarantee…
So go ahead and place your order now!
*(Special discounted pricing available for a limited time only)

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and any likeness to any individual (living or dead) mentioned in the above content is entirely coincidental. This is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Click here to find evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance or efficacy of our ingredients based on the expertise of relevant professionals.

© 2024 PhytAge Laboratories